Circumnavigation of Vancouver Island - August 7

Friendly Cove to Boat Basin, Hesquiat Harbour, Cougar Annie’s Garden, Temperate Rain Forest Field Study Centre
A small guest house at Boat Basin near the path to Cougar Annie’s Garden
A small house at Cougar Annie’s Garden, Boat Basin
The rain forest on the walk to Cougar Annie’s Garden
The rain forest on the walk to Cougar Annie’s Garden
Colourful fungi growing on a tree
Cedar tree
Trail to Cougar Annie’s Garden
Plants growing on a rock
The boardwalk through the Cougar Annie area was over 700 meters long
The entrance to Cougar Annie’s Garden. It is designed as an optical allusion because the boards on the sidewalk get narrower and the arches smaller.
A large piece of driftwood resembling a whale
Cougar Annie’s Garden
The original house and store that is falling into itself
The remains of a homemade wheelbarrow
This is a 24’x4’x4” piece of yellow cedar set up as a table top in the “sushi bar” at Cougar Annie’s Garden
Cougar Annie’s Garden
Cougar Annie’s Garden
Cougar Annie’s Garden
The "unmarked" cemetery, which holds Annie’s ashes and her first husband Willie
The boardwalk through the Cougar Annie area
The inside of the “museum” set up to protect some of the original artefacts from Cougar Annie’s store and post office
The inside of the “museum” set up to protect some of the original artefacts from Cougar Annie’s store and post office
The trail between the garden and Temperate Rain Forest Field Study Centre
The trail between the garden and Temperate Rain Forest Field Study Centre
One of the Temperate Rain Forest Field Study Centre class rooms. The center post is a swivel seat for an instructor or speaker.
One of the Temperate Rain Forest Field Study Centre class rooms
One of the Temperate Rain Forest Field Study Centre class rooms
The main table in the Central Hall of the Temperate Rain Forest Field Study Centre. This is a single 27’x4’x4” piece of yellow cedar.
The Central Hall’s kitchen. More yellow cedar.
One of the Study Centre’s residence cabins
The rear of the main residence of the house used by the overseers of Cougar Annie’s Garden